Callout is a banner displaying short messages with helpful information for a task on the page, or something that requires the user’s attention.

⚠️ Please note: Callout is not currently optimized for dark mode.


Component props

Label to describe the icon’s purpose. See the Accessibility guidelines for details on proper usage.


Main content of Callout. Content should be localized.

See Best Practices for more info.

"error" | "info" | "warning"

The category of Callout. See Variants to learn more.

{| accessibilityLabel: string, onDismiss: () => void |}

Adds a dismiss button to Callout. See the Dismissible variant for more info.
The accessibilityLabel should follow the Accessibility guidelines.

{| accessibilityLabel: string, disabled?: boolean, href?: string, label: string, onClick?: AbstractEventHandler< | SyntheticMouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement> | SyntheticMouseEvent<HTMLAnchorElement> | SyntheticKeyboardEvent<HTMLAnchorElement> | SyntheticKeyboardEvent<HTMLButtonElement>, {| dangerouslyDisableOnNavigation: () => void |}, >, rel?: "none" | "nofollow", target?: null | "self" | "blank", |}

Main action for users to take on Callout. If href is supplied, the action will serve as a link. See OnLinkNavigationProvider to learn more about link navigation.
If no href is supplied, the action will be a button.
The accessibilityLabel should follow the Accessibility guidelines.

{| accessibilityLabel: string, disabled?: boolean, href?: string, label: string, onClick?: AbstractEventHandler< | SyntheticMouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement> | SyntheticMouseEvent<HTMLAnchorElement> | SyntheticKeyboardEvent<HTMLAnchorElement> | SyntheticKeyboardEvent<HTMLButtonElement>, {| dangerouslyDisableOnNavigation: () => void |}, >, rel?: "none" | "nofollow", target?: null | "self" | "blank", |}

Secondary action for users to take on Callout. If href is supplied, the action will serve as a link. See OnLinkNavigationProvider to learn more about link navigation.
If no href is supplied, the action will be a button.
The accessibilityLabel should follow the Accessibility guidelines.


Brief title summarizing Callout. Content should be localized.

Usage guidelines

When to use
  • When displaying high priority, surface-level information to the user.
  • When providing persistent, non-blocking feedback.
  • When communicating updates to the state or status of the surface.
When not to use
  • When providing messaging/guidance for specific elements or areas within a surface. Let the team know if this is needed.
  • When displaying information that is intended for promotional/marketing purposes. Use Upsell instead.
  • When interacting with the Callout is required for the user to proceed with a task or flow. Use Modal instead.

Best practices


Use Callout for messages coming from the product or user interaction. Can be used in both Business and Pinner products.


Place Callout at the top of the page, under the primary navigation or page header when possible.


Use Callouts for marketing new products or features. Use Upsell instead.


Stack Callouts. In the case that banners must be stacked, Callouts should come before Upsells.



iconAccessibilityLabel, dismissButton, primaryAction and secondaryAction each require a short, descriptive label for screen readers. These labels should communicate the intent of the icon, such as “Error”, “Info” or “Warning”. They should also be localized.

When using primaryAction or secondaryAction, alternative text should be provided through the accessibilityLabel prop to replace vague text like "Visit" or "Learn more" with more descriptive information, like "Learn more about work from home resources". Avoid using the words "button" or "link" in the label, as this becomes repetitive. If the action text is already descriptive, an empty string can be passed.

For the dismissButton, the label provided should indicate the intent, like “Dismiss this banner”.


Remember to localize all link or button labels, as well as title and message.



Info Callouts communicate helpful messages to users about the product. In most cases, they should provide an action for users to take.


Warning Callouts communicate cautionary messages to users. Action shouldn't be required. The Callout should provide clear guidance on how to correct an issue and/or learn more about it.


Error Callouts inform users of problems that require immediate action to correct. Further actions on the page might be blocked if users don't correct the problems. The Callout should also provide clear guidance on how to correct the issue and/or learn more about it.


Callouts can have either one primary action, or a primary action and a secondary action. These actions can be Links, by specifying the href property, or Buttons, when no href is supplied.

Callout actions with link interaction can be paired with OnLinkNavigationProvider. See OnLinkNavigationProvider to learn more about link navigation.

For example, “Learn more” may link to a separate documentation site, while “Apply now” could be a Button that opens a Modal with an application flow. Be sure to localize the labels of the actions.

If needed, actions can become disabled after clicking by setting disabled: true in the action data.


dismissButton can be used when Callout doesn't indicate a persistent state. This will most commonly be used in type="info" Callouts.

Don't use dismiss buttons in the following cases:

  • There is a persistent account or page status that the user must address.
  • The user must access Callout's information again in order to perform a task.

If marketing new products or features, or encouraging upgrades, use Upsell instead.

Toast provides feedback on a user interaction, like a confirmation that appears when a Pin has been saved. Unlike Upsell and Callout, Toasts don’t contain actions. They’re also less persistent, and disappear after a certain duration.

ActivationCards are used in groups to communicate a user’s stage in a series of steps toward an overall action.

OnLinkNavigationProvider allows external link navigation control across all children components with link behavior.